Publication MTZ: Oil consumption, dynamic, Diesel engines

2013 – System for the measurement of oil emissions in the exhaust gas of Diesel engines

MTZ – Motortechnische Zeitaschrift, Ausgabe 05/2013, Seite 424-429

Authors: A. Behn, M. Feindt, S. Krause, G. Matz

Source: Springer Automotive Media Wiesbaden GmbH (2013)


„The measurement of oil consumption and the investigation of oil consumption mechanisms in combustion engines are subject to various research projects. Methods like drain and weight, or such using tracers like radioactive substances, sulphur dioxide or pyrene are often too slow or insensitive for dynamic engine test cycles.

For this reason within the scope of FVV projects at the Institute of measurement technology at Hamburg University of Technology a mass spectrometer system was developed which can detect and quantify hydrocarbons from engine oil in engine exhaust gases at a high time resolution and with high sensitivity. While at the beginning the development focused on exhaust gas measurements of Otto engines, the system was also used for investigating the oil vaporization behavior inside the cylinder as well as the fuel mixture generation of direct injection engines. The application of the mass spectrometer system to diesel engines, in particular for in-cylinder measurements, was complicated up to now due to the high particle loading of the gas and the high pressure in the cylinder.

The research project „Development of a direct inlet system for crank angle resolved in-cylinder oil emission measurement in diesel engines“ had the objective to allow in-cylinder and exhaust gas measurements of diesel engines based on the results of previous projects. „